First, these are ones I can make for sale on demand…
Cobra Viper
Cast in urethane resin with an impact resistant, mirrored motorcycle helmet visor. The goggles are also resin casts with fake chrome lenses and elastic strap.

Update March 2024: I just got the first finished helmet from my v4 mold. After speaking to some of the folks who approve applications at The Finest Costume Club, I decided to make the tech details on the back of the helmet permanent pieces of the castings. The old version just had a blank panel that needed custom details added.

These are built on old motorcycle helmets. I vac-form ABS to do the facemask and ear boxes. The mohawk and in-ear detail ridges are cut from thick EVA foam and coated/painted.

Wild Weasel
The Copperhead facemask is also useful for Wild Weasel, Cobra’s Rattler pilot. This is built on a cheap replica flight helmet (US Vietnam era, I believe) with the added facemask and a few layers of foam for the rear shape.